Sep 2, 2008

Warhammer Online Chosen Guide

A Chosen Champion of Tzeentch is a sight to behold - warped by the blessings of the dark gods, these hulking behemoths have the power and size to match even the mightiest of mortal creatures. Their thick Chaos armor can ward off the most punishing of blows, while the fell weapons they wield can cleave the heaviest of defenses. However, these "blessings" come at a price - the Chosen is beholden to Tzeentch, and must constantly strive to earn his favor. For the Chosen of Tzeentch this means more than mere slaughter and death. In order to earn the grace of the Changer of Ways, the Chosen must apply guile and trickery as much as brute force. Only through careful planning and deliberate carnage can a Chosen of Tzeentch truly find the favor of their god.

Chosen Strenghts and Weaknesses

Takes lots of damage with an above average amount of hit points.
Deal more damage than other tanks on average.
Auras that cause different effects such as buffing or damage.


Lacks ranged attacks which makes fighting from a distance impossible.
Lifetap aura doesn't heal for enough to offset combat damage.
Weak against ranged damage classes

PvE and RvR Overview
The Chaos Chosen is hard to beat in PvE environment. They tend to solo quickly with their high tolerance for damage and ability to enhance their DPS through their different auras. Their auras can enhance Chosen's damage, resist effects or even enable them to heal themselves for small amounts. Auras can also buff their group members, so they are quite an asset to any party.

The Chaos Chosen's preferred mode of combat is up close and personal. The combination of their ability to soak damage, do a decent amount of damage, and the effects of a their auras make the Chosen a hard foe to bring down. However, if ranged DPS classes get a headstart, Chosen will quickly end up dead. However with a good healer backing you up, you will be unstoppable.
Chosen Career Masteries

Path of Dread
The Path of Dread is highly offensive, focusing on direct offensive power while sacrificing some defensive protections. A master of Dread will be likely to favor a Great Weapon over a shield. They will be easily capable of picking up a shield when the situation calls for it... but they won't be happy about it.

Path of Corruption
The Path of Corruption is a cunning mastery for those who prefer to wait for their enemies to fruitlessly unleash their most powerful attacks before responding with deliberate and vicious counter attacks. A specialist in Corruption can outlast most enemies, letting their foes exhaust their attacks against their shield, and they will be the person who defines where the lines of battle will be drawn, since they -are- the front lines.

Path of Discord
The Path of Discord is one that delves more deeply into Tzeentch's arcane gifts, and masters of Discord have a limited understanding of how to manipulate the Chaos forces that swirl within them. They can unleash blasts of magical power, or twist the aethyr to unnaturally enhance their melee attacks. Their understanding of the nature of magic is still relatively shallow, however, and they can not hope to approach the skill or power of a true Magus, but even their brief flashes of otherworldly energy are enough to empower them as potent melee combatants.
Chosen Guide
Leveling - secret leveling locations specifically for Chosen will make you level up at least twice as fast

Gold making - gold making secrets from the generic Warhammer Online guide will help a lot, but if you're serious about making huge amounts of gold in Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning this Chosen specific strategies will easily net you over 100 gold per hour

Equipment - if you're confused with all the gear choices and don't know where to get the best possible items, this chapter will answer all of your questions. A comprehensive list of gear specific for your Chosen will make you a RvR god.

RvR strategy - knowing other career weaknesses and strenghts is half of the battle, but the other half is knowing your own class in detail. There's a huge number of working strategies in this guide which will enable you to beat every single opponent you face in RvR battles.

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