Sep 2, 2008

Warhammer Renown Guide

Renown is the system which measures Realm vs. Realm (RvR) participation by a player. It functions as an experience system for RvR and players can “level up” to earn Renown ranks that show their proficiency at fighting the opposing Realm. Renown gain is also capped based on a character’s level so a player can’t be Renown rank 50 and player rank 5.

The Renown system dictates the rewards made available to a player (items, abilities, titles, or otherwise). Renown is gained through many actions in WAR - killing other players, taking or defending battlefield objectives or keeps, participating in scenarios, and zone control.

Earning Renown

At the simplest level, you get Renown from killing other players. Each player has a flat amount of Renown they are worth depending on their current Player Rank (level). When one player is killed by another player, the deceased’s player rank and Renown rank are measured against those of the killer and the awarded Renown is adjusted upward or downward based on the parity of the two players. If the deceased player has been killed recently, they will be worth less Renown than normal, and sometimes none at all if they’ve come back into combat too quickly.

Renown for killing players is also awarded to members in groups. Group members must be active in RvR, and within a certain range of the nearly deceased individual to receive Renown. “Active in RvR” means that you must have performed an action against another player or benefited an ally who is also active. Renown is split amongst players on a percentage base.

For example: Bob, Joe and Mike are attacking Jack. Bob and Joe are grouped, but Mike is not. Bob and Joe do 70% of the damage it took to kill Jack and Mike did the remaining 30%. Let’s say that Jack was worth 100 Renown. Bob and Joe will split 70 Renown evenly, and Mike will get 30 Renown.

Renown is also granted to healers from a separate pool for aiding their allies. This is designed to provide incentive to healers to keep their realm mates alive whether they’re grouped with them or not. Every time you heal another player, whether they’ve been in combat recently or are currently in combat, you’ll get a little bit of Renown.

Players can also earn Renown for capturing and defending battlefield objectives and keeps. Each of these locations has a set amount of Renown, as well as a building pool of Renown, that is distributed when the keep or battlefield objective is taken or successfully defended. The amount of Renown granted increases in each tier (i.e., Tier 3 keeps are worth more than Tier 2 keeps) and is dependent on the number of players killed in the area.

Both winners and loser of scenarios will be granted Renown as a reward for their participation. The amount of Renown a player receives is directly related to the amount of points their realm earned in a scenario. The winners will obviously get more, but both sides will earn additional Renown for having fought in the scenario beyond any they’ve received from player kills.

Lastly, taking over an enemy zone will give you a chunk of Renown worth roughly 5 times your base if you’re actively fighting in RvR at the time of capture. Let’s say your base Renown worth is 100 points, you’ll be given roughly 500 points when a zone is captured!
Renown Rewards

As a reward for participating in RvR, characters will receive one Renown point per Renown rank reached. These Renown points can be used to purchase special character advancement rewards from your trainer. These rewards are primarily focused on improving your character’s RvR capabilities, but many offer minor benefits to PvE performance as well.

RvR Tactics are special tactics that can only be purchased with Renown points. These tactics have their own unique slots in addition to the existing career tactic slots to further customize your character’s abilities. Renown tactics have special effects that focus on RvR performance. In particular, they allow a player to become more effective against a particularly hated enemy. For example, if a player wanted to become the ultimate Greenskin killing machine, they would purchase many of the anti-Greenskin Renown tactics.

Hard as Nails I – Increases your Toughness by 3, costs 1 Renown point.Hard as Nails V – Increases your Toughness by 42, costs 14 Renown points.Blade Master III – Increases your Strength by 9 and Weapon Skill by 9, costs 10 Renown points.Fireproof I – Increases your Elemental resistance by 20, costs 5 Renown points.Improved Heavy Armor III – Increases your Armor by 900, costs 15 Renown points.

In addition to the Renown points, players also earn a new title with each Renown rank. These titles will help separate players who have been around the block from those who are greener than green (no pun intended Greenskin players).

Renown Items

When players hit certain Renown rank thresholds they earn the right to certain items. These items can only be bought from special shops, called Renown stores. There is a “Renown store” in every war camp and they function much like regular stores. However, each item in a Renown store has a Renown rank requirement, which means that you can’t buy or use it unless you are above a certain Renown rank. These items reward players that keep their Renown rank and level close. We’ve even put some of the RvR armor set pieces in the Renown stores. You’ll still have to do certain other things to complete your sets, but I’ll let you guys figure that out for yourselves.

Once a player has reached level 40 and Renown rank 40+, Renown items becomes really interesting. While the Renown store is still a player’s primary way of upgrading their RvR gear, players who participate in city captures also get access to really awesome RvR armor sets. A combination of keeping your renown-rank high and storming cities and killing kings will put players on the right track to get the best renown gear in the game. All the renown 40+ items are effectively level 40+ items. So, the higher your renown rank, the better the items are that you can get from the renown store.

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